Taming The Paper Piles

OK, here are the natural remedies I promised you, starting with #6 and counting down to the #1 natural treatment of piles. You can one or several of these natural treatments to relieve the symptoms of piles.

There are two types of piles, internal and external piles and both result to enlarged blood vessels in your back passage. Internal piles are small swelling that are most common from and are tucked away in your bottom. External piles are fond of protruding from your red or purple, sometimes resembling a bunch of grapes.

The second step would be to add more fiber into your diet. Fiber, especially those that come from leafy vegetables, cereals and whole grains, act as a scouring pad for your intestines. Fiber helps make it easier for your stool to pass through your bowels and out of your system. This piles remedy will really help you.

The reason for this is that these piles remedies and medications do not treat hemorrhoids right at its cause. They just deal with its symptoms. What is worse is that it is possible that they have side effects that will put you through more harm instead of treating your hemorrhoids.

Witch hazel comes from a shrub, and is a natural astringent. This means that it will make the pores of the skin cleansed, and tightened. It's very gentle, and is naturally soothing. It works also to soften the skin. It's very safe to here use witch hazel in the anal area for cleansing and soothing.

You can also use the leaves of a turnip plant to also stop the problem associated with piles. What you need to do is to extract the juice first and then 150 ml of turnip juice should be consumed by the patient. Make sure that you have the proper amount of raw fruit and vegetables when using this.

So far, the most definite way to get relief from piles is surgery but this is risky, invasive, costly and time-consuming. So try these easy reliefs first and they may work for you. Or at least they will prevent you from going under the knife.

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